How to Have Conversations About Mental Health With Your Family

How to Have Conversations About Mental Health With Your Family

From funny childhood memories to vacations and sports, typical family conversations often cover a wide variety of subjects. However, some topics tend to be viewed as taboo or unwelcome, even in trusted family circles. These may include things like politics, Aunt Wanda’s dating habits, and Grandpa’s toenail fungus. Unfortunately, mental health often lands in the … Read more

Why VoIP Beats Traditional Telephony for Cost Savings

VoIP Beats Traditional Telephony

Alright, let’s talk phone systems—but not the dusty old ones that make you want to smash the receiver when the bill comes in. Nope, we’re talking about VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol if we’re not into acronyms. This little gem uses the internet to make calls, skipping the archaic witchcraft of traditional phone lines. … Read more