In your opinion, what is the most important accessory of them all? According to many surveys, other than belts, anklets and different types of jewelry, one of the accessories many people listed as the most important one are believe it or not – sunglasses. What is the reason behind this?
One of the first things people notice when they see a stranger on the street are their sunglasses. They can easily make a statement, make your outfit complete or even completely change your appearance and the way you look. Finally, and maybe their most crucial feature is their role in saving your eyes from sunlight.
It has been proven that UVA and UVB rays have a detrimental impact on our eyesight, with prolonged sun exposure. Therefore, it’s important to protect your eyes the same way you would protect your skin – if not even more. But are all the sunglasses the same? The answer is logically – no. If you indulge in the world of fashion, and especially, in the world of eye protection, it will soon become clear that there is a lot to discover, more than you would ever expect. And not only to discover, but to make a lot of choices.
What do we mean by that? Trends in fashion are changing from season to season, and that also means that trends are changing when it comes to sunglasses. But it’s not only about the trends. Your eyeglasses should match your face shape and your style, which is also, nothing but a simple task. Finally, the quality of both your lenses and your frames is what determines if your sunglasses are average, good, great or fantastic. Considering the fact that your glasses should be great in many aspects, of which 2 are essential and those are – your health and the way you look, people usually wonder where to start, and how to determine if their sunglasses are good or bad, since oftentimes, bad quality sunglasses can look amazing, and vice versa.

When choosing sunglasses, there are several things you should keep in mind and several others you need to take into consideration. First of all, there is health. Unfortunately, sun damage can lead to serious health issues such as cataracts, or even eye cancer – in the worst case scenario. To be able to prevent eye damage caused by the Sun, one of the first things you need to pay attention to, when purchasing a pair, is the sticker that says that the lenses can fully protect you from ultraviolet light.
However, you need to make sure these stickers are truthful, since they can easily get printed and faked. Make sure to always choose reputable places and brands such as, where you can be sure that all the stickers and information are verified and truthful. Other than that, try to choose larger glasses, since more coverage is always a better solution.
Generally speaking, determining whether the glasses you like are good quality or bad quality, can easily become overwhelming, since there are so many brands, both when it comes to the lenses and frames. Brands, materials, prices, manufacturers – all of that can be too much for someone who just wants a nice pair of sunglasses, without having to worry too much, or do too much research. However, there are some tips and tricks you use when purchasing sunglasses. Let’s dig into that.
Firstly, your mindset should be directed to buying a product that has more to do with your health, than your beauty or appearance. Simply put, look at it like you are buying a health product rather than an accessory. When you indulge in the sunglasses world, pay attention to several elements:
1. The Frame Material Will Tell You A Lot

Although plastic doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad option, there are different types of plastic, so you need to make sure that the product you’re about to buy reaches certain quality standards and are anti-inflammatory and anti allergic. Some of the most common materials when it comes to plastic frames are cellulose acetate, nylon or even castor oil. Depending on your lifestyle and your needs, plastic can be a good option, which is the case with sports for example, where the best option would be – nylon, due to its resistance and flexibility. However, metals such as titanium or aluminum are considered to be the best, and the most durable option for sunglasses frames. It is also hypoallergenic, which is an important factor to consider. That being said, depending on your budget, you can get high quality glasses with great features, but you need to make sure to get all the info before making a purchase.
2. The Lenses Brand Or Type Will Tell You A Lot As Well

When it comes to lens materials, there are usually only a couple of them. The majority of glasses are being made of polycarbonate, while a smaller number of lenses are being made from glass. Finally, there are numerous materials that are a lot cheaper and lower quality, which is something you should definitely avoid. Before you make a purchase, make sure to ask the salesperson about the exact material your lenses are made of, and if it’s a high quality polycarbonate, then it’s a good thing. If it’s any other type of plastic, the first thing you should worry about is sun protection, and their effectiveness.
3. Check Out The License
One simple thing you can do is to check the license of the retailer, along with the manufacturer’s license, whether it’s lens or frame manufacturer. If that’s fine, you are good to go.
4. Always Check The Clarity Of The Lenses

Although you may have checked all the other details about your potential sunglasses, there is one thing you can always do to triple-check everything, and that is – simply put the glasses on, and look through them. Ideally, you should face your head down and look at the ground. If there is some kind of distortion, that means that the lenses are probably bad or low quality.
5. Pay Attention To Packaging And Expiration Date
Did you know that your glasses also have an expiration date? It is useful to keep this in mind, especially when making an expensive purchase. Other than that, the packaging should also be high quality and allow you to protect your glasses from damage. If that’s not the case, there’s probably something wrong with the glasses you’re about to buy.