This instrument will sooner or later require an excellent amplifier. Choosing the right amplifier from the huge range of amplifiers in your instrument store or online can be a frustrating experience. Still, there may be a way to simplify that experience. Know that there are several different types of amplifiers.
For example, they are lamp, transient or hybrid. Based on this division, their sound, dynamics and other characteristics are determined. In order to have accurate sound reproduction, you need to understand the needs of the amplifier. So consider the following few things to decide which bass amp you really need.
Suitable bass guitar amplifier
First of all, you need to know which amplifier you really need.
Whether you need best beginner bass amp or you are seasoned bassist who need one of the best amps you can find at
But there are many more factors to consider. For example, it is a budget, the type of music you play, the number of watts, needs such as recording, playing, exercising, etc. If you ask yourself these and similar questions, we are sure that you will find the answer soon. In addition, there is no one amplifier that is good for everyone. Your motives are very important.
1. Sound

You also need to listen well. This means that you have to understand at the very beginning of the search what it is that you want to play. It is on this sound that the whole quest is based and that is why you clearly define your playing style. Amplifiers are mainly divided into vintage and high-gain.
The first type is for those who play jazz, blues. They are considered antiques, but they can also be in a modern edition. The originators of this sound are Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and many others. The amplified amp is more distorted than the previous sound and it is more for hard rock, 80s metal.
2. Your needs
We must not forget your needs. This refers to choosing an effort that you can be of different strengths. For example, many will choose an amplifier based on its dimensions, thinking that they have chosen a stronger model. This is not really true, because it is chosen solely on the basis of strength.
If you opt for low power, you will get an amplifier that is ideal for rehearsals, studies or for setting on stage. In contrast, amplifiers of the great saga create distortion in huge quantities. In that case, the power affects the sound itself, don’t forget it. The price rises compared to the power, because stronger amplifiers will have slightly different components and design.
3. Amplifier categories

It is important to consider whether you want a combo or an amplifier head. The combo consists of an electronic part of the amplifier in combination with one or more speakers. Mostly you will find them in small dimensions and they come in one shape. When it comes to the amp head, you can adjust it because they are audible separately from it. It is an ideal option for all those who have to travel a lot.
The reason is its flexibility, because this separate mobile unit is much more convenient for more complex wiring. It can also be placed on a cabinet or mounted in a rack.
4. Amplifier capabilities
Certain amps may have configurations that simply do not suit you. For example, micro amps are easily portable and useful for exercise, especially if you do not want to make a lot of noise. However, they are not always the best choice. What situations does this apply to? It is certainly a jam situation.
If you plan to play with a band, you will not get the necessary volume. You will also get lower quality sound compared to stronger amplifiers, and the reason is low output power and lower level inside the circuit. We can say that micro amplifiers are not useful for professionals. If you need an exercise amplifier you may want to consider one that has more than 10 W.
This type of amplifier can already be used for the purpose of a smaller concert, especially if they have a microphone. The reason is to buy a signal with a microphone, and it must be properly positioned next to the speaker that is connected to the amplifier. You can also opt for a combined amplifier that has 50W.
With it you get at least one speaker with a cone that is over 10 inches. You won’t need a microphone with it, and it’s great for a small environment. There is also an option with more inches, and it is heavier and bulkier. However, such a model is mostly the choice of professionals for concerts. If you add another speaker to it, you will create a stereo effect.
5. Freshness

Always research to have an insight into all the novelties you can use. This way you will best adjust the amplifier to the desired sound. It’s also important to understand the jargon used by producers and bassists. For example, the head is the end without the speaker, the cash register is the tank and it connects to the head. The cabin of the cruiser is an assembly of the head, and it is connected to the boxes and is then ready for use.
We must mention that cabinets are mostly used at concerts. Although there is no rule that says they are not used for exercise, very few choose them for these purposes. In most cases, there are not good enough conditions in which such a strong sound can be produced. They are also huge, difficult to handle. They are used exclusively for playing at large events.
6. Preamplifier
We must not forget this important element. It is definitely the basis for the amplifier that is upgraded to it, because it is the preamplifier that affects the signal and its degree. There are different levels that allow you to change the sound, equalize it, as well as various configurations, etc.
So, when choosing a bass guitar amp, it is necessary to pay attention to its power, size, design and similar characteristics. However, do not forget about your needs, as well as the sound you want to achieve.