100 Top Physiotherapy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Physiotherapy Multiple Choice Questions:-

1. What is the name of the group of muscles at the FRONT of your thigh?
A. Quadriceps
B. Hamstrings
C. Calves
D. Pectorals
Ans: A

2. What is the name of the group of muscles at the BACK of your thigh?
A. Quadriceps
B. Hamstrings
C. Calves
D. Pectorals
Ans: B

3. What is the name of the muscles located at the front of your chest?
A. Biceps
B. Deltoids
C. Gluteals
D. Pectorals
Ans: D

4. Which group of muscles are found on your back?
A. Biceps
B. Rectus abdominis
C. Latissimus dorsi
D. Pectorals
Ans: C

5. If a physio says you have injured your gluteal muscles, where are these?
A. Neck
B. Stomach
C. Arm
D. Leg
Ans: D

6. What piece of equipment is a physio likely to use to strengthen your core muscles?
A. Gym/swiss ball
B. Foam roller
C. Punchbag
D. Resistance tube
Ans: A

7. What piece of equipment may be used to strengthen the ankle and knee following injury?
A. Dumbbells
B. Barbell
C. Stability disc
D. Punchbag
Ans: C

8. Which of these is NOT a piece of physio equipment?
A. Gym/swiss ball
B. Medicine ball
C. Stability disc
D. Kettle
Ans: D

9. To help with injuries, which of the following supports can you buy?
A. Shoulder
B. Knee
C. Ankle
D. All of the above
Ans: D

10. To support joints after injury, what may a physio use?
A. Tape and strapping
B. Superglue
C. Sellotape
D. All of the above
Ans: A

11. What is a physio likely to give you during a session?
A. Your money back
B. Exercise and advice sheets
C. Drugs
D. Food and drink
Ans: B

12. Which of these is an exercise for the knee?
A. Bicep curl
B. Crunch
C. Straight leg raise
D. Pelvic tilt
Ans: C

13. Which of these is NOT an exercise of the knee?
A. Prone knee bend
B. Calf raises
C. Quadriceps tensing
D. Crunch
Ans: D

14. Which of the following is an exercise for the back?
A. Arching
B. Bicep curl
C. Straight leg raise
D. Calf raise
Ans: A

15. Which of the following is NOT an exercise for the back?
A. One leg to chest
B. Two legs to chest
C. Side bend
D. Chin Tucks
Ans: D

16. Which of these is a shoulder exercise?
A. Calf raise
B. Arms raise to side
C. Heel Slide
D. None of the above
Ans: B

17. Which of these can be done to exercise the hip?
A. Hip flexor stretch
B. Quadriceps stretch
C. Hip flexion
D. All of the above
Ans: D

18. Which of the following is NOt an exercise for the neck?
A. Neck rotation
B. Neck side bend
C. Neck press
D. Chin Tuck
Ans: C

19. Which of these exercises may be used for the ankle?
A. Dorsiflexion
B. Plantarflexion
C. Calf raise
D. All of the above
Ans: D

20. Which of these would NOT be used to exercise the ankle?
A. Dumbbell
B. Resistance band
C. Wobble board
D. Stability disc
Ans: A

21. You are likely to see a physio to recover from?
A. Depression
B. Illness
C. Injury
D. Drug abuse
Ans: C

22. What is the abbreviation used to describe the treatment of an exercise injury?
Ans: B

23. What treatment should you NOT use immediately after an injury, such as an ankle sprain?
A. Rest
B. Ice
C. Compression
D. Heat
Ans: D

24. Which of these is a common injury of the back?
A. Slipped disc
B. Dislocation
C. Tennis elbow
D. Cruciate ligament
Ans: A

25. Which of these is NOT a common injury of the shoulder?
A. Frozen shoulder
B. Dislocation
C. Rotator cuff injury
D. Runners’ knee
Ans: D

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26. Which of the following is a common injury of the hand and wrist?
A. Osgood Schlatter
B. Sprained thumb
C. Slipped disc
D. Hernia
Ans: B

27. Which of these is NOT a common knee injury?
A. Cruciate ligament
B. Runners’ knee
C. Hernia
D. Torn cartilage
Ans: C

28. Injuries to the lower leg can include?
A. Shin splints
B. Calf strain
C. Broken Leg
D. All of the above
Ans: D

29. If you wake up in the morning and your neck hurts, what are you likely to have?
A. Stiff neck
B. Dislocated neck
C. Broken neck
D. None of the above
Ans: A

30. Injuries to muscles are known as tears or ______?
A. Sprains
B. Strains
C. Breaks
D. Cracks
Ans: B

31. Which of the following may help prevent injuries?
A. Warm-up
B. Supports
C. Stretches
D. All of the above
Ans: D

32. What should you do after exercise to prevent injury and soreness?
A. Go to the pub
B. Take a protein shake
C. Do a cool-down
D. All of the above
Ans: C

33. Which of the following is a lower body stretch?
A. Calf
B. Abdominal
C. Tricep
D. Trapezius
Ans: A

34. Which of the following is NOT an upper body stretch?
A. Shoulder
B. Gluteal
C. Tricep
D. Back
Ans: B

35. Which of these is a common football injury?
A. Hamstring strain
B. Dislocated shoulder
C. Slipped disc
D. Rotator cuff injury
Ans: A

36. Which of these is NOT a common rugby injury?
A. Hamstring strain
B. Ankle Sprain
C. Tennis elbow
D. Head injury
Ans: C

37. Which of these is a common running injury?
A. Runners’ knee
B. Shin splints
C. Blisters
D. All of the above
Ans: D

38. What injury is common in racket sports?
A. Hernia
B. Tennis elbow
C. Head injury
D. Broken Toe
Ans: B

39. in golf, which of the following injuries is NOT common?
A. Back pain
B. Golfers elbow
C. Shoulder pain
D. Shin splints
Ans: D

40. What is a common skiing/snowboarding injury?
A. Knee ligament injuries
B. Tennis elbow
C. Frozen shoulder
D. Carpal tunnel syndrome
Ans: A

41. Patients with which type of condition may be treated by physiotherapists?
A. Sports injuries
B. Back pain
C. Arthritis
D. All of the above
Ans: D

42. Which of these conditions would not be treated by a physiotherapist?
A. Depression
B. Torn ligaments
C. Muscle strains
D. All of the above
Ans: A

43. Which of these people can be treated by a physiotherapist?
A. Children
B. Adults
C. Elderly
D. All of the above
Ans: D

44. What should you look for when choosing a physiotherapist?
A. Someone you can trust
B. Someone who will listen to you and understand your problems
C. Someone who offers value for money
D. All of these
Ans: D

45. How long is the course to become a physiotherapist?
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. 7 years
D. 10 years
Ans: B

46. How do you know if a physio is what they claim?
A. If they tell you they are qualified
B. If they have done a course on sports therapy
C. If they are registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC)
D. If they have a professional business card
Ans: C

47. If you are pregnant, what type of physio should you look for?
A. A normal one
B. One who specializes in women’s health
C. One who has just completed their training
D. One who has been working for many years
Ans: B

48. If you are a high-level athlete suffering from injury, what physio clinic should you look for?
A. A specialist elderly clinic
B. A women’s health clinic
C. A pediatric clinic
D. A sports injury clinic
Ans: D

49. To become a physio you must?
A. Complete the relevant courses and qualifications
B. Get yourself a first aid kit
C. Have experience of treating people before you qualify
D. None of the above
Ans: A

50. What is the representative body that most physiotherapists are registered to?
A. Physiotherapy UK
B. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
C. Physiotherapy USA
D. Physiotherapy World
Ans: B