100 Top Progress 4GL Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Progress 4GL Multiple choice questions:-

1. What are the advantages of progress 4GL?
A. Less development effort
B. Solve more complex application
C. Support multiple languages
D. reusability
E. All of the Above
Ans: E

2. What is the latest version in progress 4GL?
A. 10.1
B. 11.4
C. 11.5
D. 9.1D

3. How many date formats available in progress?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

4. What are the types of looping statement?
A. Repeat
B. Do
C. For-each
D. Do-while
E. All of the Above
Ans: E

5. What are the types of BLOCKS?
A. Repeat, do, for-each block
B. Procedure block
C. Trigger block
D. Editing block
E. All of the Above
Ans: E

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6. What are the types of programming models?
A. Procedure driven model (CUI)
B. Event-driven model (GUI)
C. Logic Programming model
D. Scripting Programming model
Ans: A, B

7. How many primary keys will be in a single table?
A. One primary key
B. Two primary keyS
C. Three primary keyS
D. Four primary keyS
Ans: A

8. How many types of INDEXES used in Progress 4gl?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

9. How many types of scoping available in Progress 4gl?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4