100 Top Environment Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Environment Multiple Choice Questions:-

1. The objective of environmental education is

(a) Raise consciousness about environmental education

(b) To teach environmentally appropriate behavior

(c) Create an environmental ethic that fosters awareness about ecological inter-dependence of economics, social and political

(d) All of the above

2. Which of the following is not influenced by human activities?

(a) Depletion of groundwater

(b) Destruction of mangroves and wetlands

(c) The increased extinction rate of species

(d) None of the above

3. Environmental education is important only at

(a) Primary school stage

(b) Secondary school stage

(c) College stage

(d) All Stages

4. The atmosphere extends upto a height of about 10,000 km. It is divided into the following four thermal layers

(1) Mesosphere

(2) Stratosphere

(3) Thermosphere

(4) Troposphere

The correct sequence of these layers starting from the surface of the Earth upwards is:

(a) 2, 4, 1, 3

(b) 4, 2, 1, 3

(c) 4, 2, 3, 1

(d) 2, 4, 3, 1

5. Which of the following conceptual components of the environment are effective transporters of matter?

(a) Atmosphere and hydrosphere

(b) Atmosphere and lithosphere

(c) Hydrosphere and lithosphere

(d) Lithosphere and biosphere

6. Biosphere is

(a) The solid shell of inorganic materials on the surface of the Earth

(b) The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of earth comprising of all the living things

(c) The sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all the spheres

(d) All of the above

7. Which of the following conceptual sphere of the environment is having the least storage capacity for the matter?

(a) Atmosphere

(b) Lithosphere

(c) Hydrosphere

(d) Biosphere

8. Which of the following is an example of the impact of development activities on the Hydrosphere?

(a) Air pollution

(b) Soil pollution

(c) Soil erosion

(d) Water pollution

9. Weather occurs in the Earths:

(a) Troposphere

(b) Mesosphere

(c) Ionosphere

(d) Thermosphere

10. The biosphere is a term used to represent the:

(a) Entire atmosphere consisting of troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere

(b) Entire hydrosphere-representing the entire collection of water over the Earth as well as inside the Earth

(c) A small zone of Earth, where the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere come in contact with one another

(d) Entire lithosphere-representing the solid Earth and it is interior

11. The term ecology was introduced by:

(a) Haeckel

(b) Odum

(c) Tansley

(d) Ramdeo Mishra

12. The study of interactions between living and non-living organisms and environment is called

(a) Ecosystem

(b) Ecology

(c) Phyto-geography

(d) Phytosociology

13. An ecosystem consists of

(a) Green plants and animals

(b) Green plants and decomposers

(c) Producers and consumers

(d) Green plants, animals, decomposers and abiotic environment

14. The environment which has been modified by human activities is called

(a) Natural environment

(b) Anthropogenic environment

(c) Modem environment

(d) Urban environment

15. Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) Inorganic nutrients are recycled in an ecosystem

(b) Energy flows through the ecosystem in the form of C-C bonds

(c) Energy is recycled in an ecosystem

(d) Respiration process releases energy

16. Driving force in an ecosystem is

(a) Plants

(b) Producers

(c) Solar energy

(d) Biomass energy

17. Physical and chemical components of an ecosystem constitute

(a) Biotic structure

(b) Abiotic structure

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

18. Which one of the following is an abiotic component of the ecosystem?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Plants

(c) Humus

(d) Fungi

19. Which of the following is a possible producer in an ecosystem?

(a) Plants

(b) Animals

(c) Human beings

(d) Fish

20. The organisms which feed on dead organisms and excreta of living organisms are known

(a) Decomposers

(b) Consumers

(c) Producers

(d) Carnivores

21. A trophic level refers to:

(a) An area in the tropics

(b) An organism’s portion in a food chain

(c) An organism’s position in an ecosystem

(d) An organism’s position in a biome

22. In a food chain animals constitute the:

(a) First trophic level

(b) Second trophic level

(c) Intermediate trophic level

(d) Ultimate trophic level

23. The food chain in which microorganisms breakdown dead producers is called:

(a) Consumer food chain

(b) Predator food chain

(c) Parasitic food chain

(d) Detritus food chain

24. The food chain starts with

(a) Producer

(b) Herbivores

(c) Carnivores

(d) Omnivores

25. In a food chain, humans are

(a) Secondary consumers

(b) Primary consumer

(c) Producers

(d) Primary and secondary consumers both

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26. Which one is the correct food chain?

(a) Phytoplankton —» Zooplankton —» Fish

(b) Zooplankton —» Phytoplankton —» Fish

(c) Zooplankton —» Protozoans —» Fish

(d) Grass —» Fish —» Zooplankton

27. A food web consists of

(a) Interlocking food chains

(b) Producers, consumers, and decomposers

(c) A portion of a food chain

(d) A set of similar consumers

28. Food webs are

(a) One kind of food

(b) Not related to food chains at all

(c) Inter-connected arrangement of food chains

(d) A linear arrangement of food chains

29. Pyramid of number is given by

(a) Haeckel

(b) Odum

(c) Elton

(d) Tansley

30. Which ecological pyramid is always upright?

(a) Pyramid of number

(b) Pyramid of biomass

(c) Pyramid of energy

(d) Pyramid of number and biomass

31. An ecological pyramid refers to the

(a) Pyramid of energy

(b) Pyramid of number

(c) Pyramid of biomass

(d) All of the above

32. An ecosystem may not undergo changes because:

(a) It is in a state of homeostasis

(b) It has plants and animals both

(c) It gets solar energy continuously

(d) The decomposers are present in it

33. Energy flow in the ecosystem is given by:

(a) Haeckel

(b) Odum

(c) Tansley

(d) Ramdeo Mishra

34. Energy flow in an ecosystem is always:

(a) Unidirectional

(b) Cyclic

(c) Reversible

(d) Multi-directional

35. The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are:

(a) Chlorophyll-containing trees and plants

(b) Herbivores

(c) Carnivores

(d) Bacteria and other micro-organisms

36. The desert among the following which is not a cold desert is:

(a) Gobi desert

(b) Patagonian desert

(c) Atacama desert

(d) Majava desert

37. The darker zone in lakes where light penetration is negligible is called the:

(a) Euphotic zone

(b) Littoral zone

(c) Limnetic zone

(d) Benthic zone

38. The zone of a sea lying over the continental shelf is known as the:

(a) Bathyl zone

(b) Neritic zone

(c) Abyssal zone

(d) Littoral zone

39. Which one of the following is not a freshwater biome?

(a) Lotic

(b) Lentic

(c) Spings

(d) Deep sea

40. The tendency of pollutants to become concentrated in successive trophic levels is known as:

(a) Biomagnification

(b) Biorhythm

(c) Bioremediation

(d) Biopiracy

41. Eutrophication is:

(a) An improved water quality status of lakes

(b) The result of the accumulation of plant nutrients in water bodies

(c) A process in the carbon cycle

(d) A water purification technique

42. Increase in fauna and decrease in flora would be harmful due to an increase in:

(a) Diseases

(b) CO

(c) O2

(d) Radioactive pollution

43. The largest reservoir of nitrogen our planet is:

(a) Ocean

(b) Atmosphere

(c) Biosphere

(d) Fossil fuels

44. Overgrazing results in:

(a) Soil erosion

(b) Retention of useful species

(c) Productive soils

(d) All of the above

45. In the world, the economy of India is:

(a) Largest

(b) Third largest

(c) Second largest

(d) Fourth largest

46. In services output, India is:

(a) 10

(b) 12

(c) 15

(d) 4


1. (d); 2. (d); 3. (d); 4. (b); 5. (a); 6. (b); 7. (a); 8. (d); 9. (a); 10. (c); 11. (a); 12. (b); 13. (d); 14. (b); 15. (c); 16. (c); 17. (c) 18. (c); 19. (a); 20. (a); 21. (c); 22. (c); 23. (d); 24. (a); 25. (d); 26. (a); 27. (a); 28. (c); 29. (c); 30. (c); 31. (d); 32. (a); 33. (b); 34. (a); 35. (a); 36. (d); 37. (d); 38. (b); 39. (a); 40. (a); 41. (b); 42. (b); 43. (b); 44. (a); 45. (d); 46. (c)