100 Top Corel Draw Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

COREL DRAW Multiple Choice Questions with Answers:-

1. Find what is the shortcut key to combining the selected objects?
A. CtrI +Y
B. Ctrl +Q
C. Ctrl +L
D. CtrI +K
Ans: C

2. Find what is the shortcut key to toggles snapping to objects?

A. Alt + Shift + D
B. Alt +Z
C. Ctrl +L
D. CtrI +G
Ans: B

3. Shift + PgDn is the shortcut key to place the selected object(s) back one position in the object stacking order.
Ans: B

4. W brings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the document
A. True
Ans: B

5. Find what is the shortcut key to specifies fountain flits for objects?
A. Ctrl + B
B. F11
C. Alt + F4
D. F6
Ans: B

6. Spacebar toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool.
Ans: A

7. F3 the shortcut key to zoom in on all objects in the drawing.
Ans: B

8. Find what is the shortcut key to displays a full-screen preview of the graphic or drawing?
A. F4
B. F 1
C. F9
D. F2
Ans: C

9. Find what is the shortcut key to align selected objects to the bottom?
A. S
B. D
C. B
D. T
Ans: C

10. C vertically aligns centers of selected objects.
Ans: A

11. Find what is the shortcut key to specifies fountain fills for objects?
A. CtrI + B
B. F11
C. Alt + F4
D. F6
Ans: B

12. When an A2 paper is divided equally from the center, which size will you obtain?
A. A3 (Correct Answer)
B. A4
C. A5
D. B3
Ans: A

13. ___________ tool is used for cropping.
A. Pick tool
B. shape tool (Correct Answer)
C. zoom tool
D. knife tool
Ans: B

14. Graphics work with Red, Yellow, Black, and White has __________ color separation.
A. 3 (Correct Answer)
B. 4
C. 5
D. 5 1/2
Ans: A

15. In a bookwork of ten pages, one of the sheets will contain the following numbering.
A. 1&2
B. 2&9
C. 1&10 (Correct Answer)
D. 3&5
Ans: C

16. The ruler bar is used for _____________
A. Setting of margin
B. dividing your work
C. for book design (Correct Answer)
D. all of the above

17. We have ____________ paper Orientation in CorelDraw.
A. 1
B. 2 (Correct Answer)
C. 3
D. 4
Ans: B

18. ______________ is used for selecting and deselecting objects.
A. Bezier tool
B. freehand tool
C. shape tool
D. pick tool (Correct Answer)

19. Green and white has two color separations
A. True
B. False (Correct Answer)
Ans: B

20. CorelDraw is a ____________ based drawing Application Package
A. Photo paint
B. Bitmap
C. Vector (Correct Answer)
D. Scalar

21. The default size for the design of complimentary card is _________
A. 2.0 by 1.5 (Correct Answer)
B. 2.0 by 2.0
C. 3.0 by 2.0
D. 5.0 by 3.0
Ans: A

22. N brings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the document
A. True
B. False
Ans: A

23. In Corel Draw the keyboard shortcut to save your drawing is:
A. Ctrl +s
B. Ctrl +c
C. Ctrl +z
D. OuCtrl +a
Ans: A

24. Which of the following file types can be modified while applying filters on them?
A. Raster
B. Vector
C. Animation
D. All of the above.
Ans: D

25. How can you import multiple consecutive files in one go?
A. Shift + Select the first and last files
B. Control + Select the first and last files
C. Alt + Select the first and last files
D. Shift + Control + Alt + Select the first and last files
Ans: A

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26. Which technique is used for specifying the spacing increments for snapping text to the path?
A. Leading
B. Kerning
C. Snapping
D. Tick Spacing
Ans: D

27. You can create preset guidelines using the ______.
A. Options dialog box
B. Collect for output option
C. Replace wizard
D. None of the above.
Ans: A

28. The Two-point perspective effect gives an object to the appearance of receding in two directions. How can you copy the same effect to other selected objects?
A. Select an object. Click Effects > Copy Effect > PowerClip from
B. Select an object. Click Effects > Copy Effect > Lens from
C. Select an object. Click Effects > Copy Effect > Contour from
D. Select an object. Click Effects > Copy Effect > Perspective from
Ans: D

29. Using which of the following can we modify images in CorelDraw?
D. Corel® PowerTRACE™
Ans: A

30. Dynamic guides are temporary guidelines that let you position and align objects precisely.
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A

31. The Smooth mesh color option allows the colors added to the mesh nodes to blend seamlessly with the rest of the object.
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A

32. _______tool removes overlapping segments in the objects.
A. Knife
B. Crop Tool
C. Virtual Segment Tool
D. Eraser
Ans: C

33. Which tool has been used to fill the shape with the gradient, as shown in the image?
A. Interactive tool ->Linear
B. Interactive tool ->Radial
C. Interactive tool ->Conical
D. Interactive tool ->Sqaure
Ans: B

34. Find what type of text would you use to create a title?
a. Artistic (correct answer)
b. paragraph
c. Bezier
d. Freehand
Ans: A

35. How do you know an object is closed?
a. It can be filled (correct answer)
b. it has nodes
c. it has a shaped
d. it has a line
Ans: A

36. Find what tool allows you to get a closer look at an object?
a. Zoom (correct answer)
b. Pick
c. Text
d. Eyedropper
Ans: A

37. How can you tell if a curve is NOT closed?
a. It is white and not a color.
b. It cannot be filled. (correct answer)
c. It is highlighted.
d. It can be filled with a color.
Ans: B

38. Which tool is NOT a basic drawing tool in a 2D image program?
a. Eyedropper (correct answer)
b. Bezier
c. Freehand
d. Pencil
Ans: A

39. Find what is NOT a color model used on 2D and 3D images?
a. RGB
b. HSV
c. LZW (correct answer)
Ans: C

40. If a person wanted to fill an image of a curtain with a plaid texture, Find what tool should be used?
a. Uniform fill
b. Fountain
c. Gradient
d. Pattern (correct answer)
Ans: D

41. Find what tool is the quickest and easiest way to add a row of bubbles to a 2D vector design?
a. Bezier or pen
b. Spiral or contour
c. Artistic media or paintbrush (correct answer)
d. Rectangle or shape
Ans: C

42. Find what is NOT a basic shape used in a vector drawing program?
A. Rectangle
B. Bezier (correct answer)
C. Spiral
D. Polygon
Ans: B

43. If a person wanted a background that faded from light blue to white, which fills tool would he/she use?
A. Fountain (correct answer)
B. Uniform
C. Texture
D. Pattern
Ans: A

44. If a person wanted to fill an object with two colors that blend from one to another, Find what fill tool would he/she use?
A. Pattern
B. Fountain (correct answer)
C. Transparent
D. Uniform
Ans: B

45. If a person wanted to fill an object with hearts, Find what fill tool would he/she use?
A. Trasparent
B. Uniform
C. Pattern (correct answer)
D. Fountain
Ans: c