100 Top WordPress Job Interview Questions and Answers

WordPress Questions with Answers

1. Define what is WordPress?
WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.

2. Different between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org?

  • WordPress.com (fully hosted)

Focus on your beautiful content, and let us handle the rest.

  • WordPress.org (self-hosted)

Get your hands dirty, and host your website yourself.

3. Define Use of WordPress?
WordPress is a free and open-source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system.
WordPress was used by more than 23.3% of the top 10 million websites as of January 2015

4. Explain Features of WordPress?
Here are some of the features that we think that you’ll love.

  1. Simplicity
  2. Flexibility
  3. Publish with Ease
  4. Publishing Tools
  5. User Management
  6. Media Management
  7. Full Standards Compliance
  8. Easy Theme System
  9. Extend with Plugins
  10. Built-in Comments
  11. Search Engine Optimized
  12. Multilingual
  13. Easy Installation and Upgrades
  14. Importers
  15. Own Your Data
  16. Freedom
  17. Community
  18. Contribute

5. Developer Features in WordPress?
For developers, WordPress Have lots of goodies packed under the hood that you can use to extend WordPress to Define whatever direction takes your fancy.

  • Plugin System
  • Theme System
  • Application Framework
  • Custom Content Types
  • The Latest Libraries

6. Why You Should Use WordPress?

  • WordPress is that it’s easy to use and flexible enough for just about anything. That’s the main reason why
  • WordPress has grown so much in popularity.
  • According to a recent survey, WordPress powers 22.5% of all websites on the internet.
  • Let’s take a look at why you should use WordPress.
  • WordPress is Free as in Freedom
  • Easy to Use and Learn
  • Extendable by Using Themes and Plugins
  • Search Engine Friendly
  • Easy To Manage
  • Safe and Secure
  • WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types

7. Define what ways to use WordPress?
WordPress can be used in many different ways. It is open to possibilities.
You can use WordPress as the following:

  1. Arcade
  2. Blog
  3. Content Management System (CMS)
  4. Gallery
  5. Portfolio
  6. Rating Website
  7. Shopping Store
  8. Video Collection Site
  9. Membership Site

8. Define what is plugin in WordPress?
Plugins are ways to extend and add to the functionality that already exists in WordPress. The core of WordPress is designed to be lean and lightweight, to maximize flexibility and minimize code bloat. Plugins then offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs.

9. Essential plugins for WordPress?
Here I am going to share some useful plugins that really help you so much for managing and improving performance as well as the security of WordPress.

  • https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/ (Best SEO Plugin)
  • https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/ (sitemap)
  • https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/ (caching)
  • https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit/ (optimizing image files)
  • https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-optimize/ (Simple but effective plugin allows you to extensively clean up your WordPress database and optimize it without doing manual queries: )


  • wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/
  • wordpress.org/plugins/login-lockdown/

10. The current version of WordPress?
Need to refer WordPress website: https://wordpress.org/news/category/releases/

11. How to Secure WordPress?
Security in WordPress is taken very seriously, but as with any other system, there are potential security issues that may arise if some basic security precautions aren’t taken.
You need to read “http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress” carefully to understand WordPress security.

12. Template Files List for development WordPress Theme?
Here is the list of the Theme files recognized by WordPress. Of course, your Theme can contain any other stylesheets, images, or files.
style.css: The main stylesheet. This must be included with your Theme, and it must contain the information header for your Theme.
rtl.css: The RTL stylesheet. This will be included automatically if the website’s text direction is right-to-left. This can be generated using the RTLer plugin.
index.php: The main template. If your Theme provides its own templates, index.php must be present.
comments.php: The comments template.
front-page.php: The front page template.
home.php: The home page template, which is the front page by default. If you use a static front page this is the template for the page with the latest posts.
single.php: The single post template. Used when a single post is queried. For this and all other query templates, index.php is used if the query template is not present.
The single post template used when a single post from a custom post type is queried. For example, single-book.php would be used for displaying single posts from the custom post type named “book”. index.php is used if the query template for the custom post type is not present.
page.php: The page template. Used when an individual Page is queried.
category.php: The category template. Used when a category is queried.
tag.php: The tag template. Used when a tag is queried.
taxonomy.php: The term template. Used when a term in a custom taxonomy is queried.
author.php: The author template. Used when an author is queried.
date.php: The date/time template. Used when a date or time is queried. Year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
archive.php: The archive template. Used when a category, author, or date is queried. Note that this template will be overridden by category.php,author.php and date.php for their respective query types.
search.php: The search results template. Used when a search is performed.
attachment.php: Attachment template. Used when viewing a single attachment.
image.php: Image attachment template. Used when viewing a single image attachment. If not present, attachment.php will be used.
404.php: The 404 Not Found template. Used when WordPress cannot find a post or page that matches the query.

13. prefix of WordPress tables by default?
By default, wp_ is the prefix

14. Plugin for Multi-language features?
WPML Multilingual Plugin.
URL: https://wpml.org/

15. Alternative CMS of WordPress?

  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • Ghost
  • Movable Type
  • Silver Stripe

16. How is creating a site on wordpress.org different from wordpress.com?
Most of the things are similar in both except the choices of themes and the usage of plugins.

17. Why wordpress.com is considered more secure than wordpress.org?
WordPress.com is considered more secure than wordpress.org because they limit the themes and also does not allow installing plugins. However, the security is more dependable on how the hosting company is hosting your website(wordpress.org) & also Define what are the steps they are taking to prevent security problems.

18. Do de-activated plugins slow down a WordPress site?
No, de-activated plugins cannot slow down the WordPress site. WordPress only loads the active plugins and ignores everything else.

19. In Define what case we cannot recommend WordPress to our client?
We cannot recommend WordPress in the following situation:

  • If the client is working on the non-CMS base project
  • If the site wants complex or innovative e-commerce
  • In the case of an enterprise intranet solution
  • Sites requiring custom scripting solutions.

20. Define what are the essential features you look for a theme?
Theme selection differs according to the requirement, but an ideal theme would be something that would not restrict to use the number of pages, plugins or static homepage.

21. How Custom theme is different than Normal theme?
The custom theme allows for SEO search, but with an SEO plugin available it would not make much difference to normal theme. One benefit using the Custom theme is that it allows making the changes without going much into the coding part.

22. How you can create a static page with WordPress?
To create a static page in WordPress, in the page section you have to upload PHP files to the server in the theme folder, and then select that as your template. This allows you to add any page and look that you wanted for your blog and it will remain static.

23. Is there any other CMS better WordPress?
WordPress is no doubt a good CMS, but Drupal and Joomla are among the best CMS you can work with.

24. Which is the best multilingual plugin for WordPress?
Keeping all the limitations in mind, WPML would be the best multilingual plugin for WordPress.

25. Can you update your own content on the site?
It depends on the type of the site or project, but yes one can update their own content on the site.

WordPress Questions pdf free download::

26. Define what are meta-tags?
Meta-tags are keywords and description used to display website or page information.

27. Define what should one use for plugin development — custom post types or custom database tables?
There is no specific preference for plugin development; it depends on Define what type of plugin’s one has to develop. Though few recommend custom post type, as it has few benefits compared to the custom database table.

28. Can you host WordPress using Amazon web services such as EC2, RDS, EBS, etc?
Yes, you can host using Amazon web services.

29. Is there any way to write series in WordPress?
You can use organize series plugin to write series in WordPress.

30. Define what are the reasons why one should not hack a WordPress core file?
The best reason not to hack the core files is that Define whatever you might be doing has to be reworked as a patch.

31. Define what are the template tags in WordPress?
A template tag is a code that instructs WordPress to “do” or “get” something. Like in header.php we will use the tag blog info(‘name’) to get “Site Title” from a wp-options table which is set in Setting > General at WordPress dashboard.

  • The the_title() template tag is used to display the post title.
  • wp_list_cats() is for display categories.
  • get_header() for getting header.
  • get_sidebar() for display the sidebar on page.
  • get_footer() for get the footer content on page.

32. Define what are rules to follow in WordPress plugin development?

  • Find a unique name
  • Setup a prefix (related to your brand)
  • Create the plugin’s folder
  • Create sub-folders for PHP files, assets, and translations
  • Create the main plugin file and fill in the obligatory header information
  • Create a readme.txt file
  • Use proper constants and functions to detect paths to plugin files
  • Create additional PHP files and include them inside the main one
  • Create activation and deactivation functions
  • Create an uninstall script

33. Define what are the steps you can take if your WordPress file is hacked?

  1. Install security plugin like WP security
  2. Re-install the latest version of WordPress
  3. Change password and user-ids for all your users
  4. Check your themes and plugins are up to date

34. In which cases you don’t see plugin menu?
You can’t see your plugin menu when the blog is hosted on free wordpress.com as you cannot add plugin there. Also, if you do not have an account of an administrator level on your WordPress dashboard, it is not possible to see the plugin.

35. Define what is the difference between the wp_title and the_title tags?
wp_title() function is for use outside “The Loop” to display the title of a Page. the_title() on the other hand is used within “The Loop“.

36. Define what do next_posts_link() and previous_posts_link() do?
Because most queries are usually sorted in reverse chronological order, next_posts_link() usually points to older entries (toward the end of the set) and previous_posts_link() usually points to newer entries (toward the beginning of the set).

37. How to create MailChimp or vertical response campaign for newsletter subscribers & link with WordPress?
First Create List & Campaign on MailChimp/ WordPress account. Then subscribe users from WordPress in MailChimp list by plugin or manual hard code web form.

38. Define what options are there to implement a multi-language site?
WordPress has no bi/multi-language feature built in by default. The other road would be to extend the site with Add-ons like plugins and themes that have multi-language features built-in.

39. How can I stop WordPress from prompting me to enter FTP information when doing updates?
If you edit your wp-config.php file you can preload these FTP settings as constants read by WordPress. Keep in mind, on a shared host, you should be mindful of possible security implications.

40. Define what’s the difference between site_url() and home_url()?
The site_url() will always be the location where you can reach the site by tacking on /wp-admin on the end, while home_url() would not reliably be this location. The home_url() would be where you have set your homepage by setting General > Settings “Site Address (URL)” field.

41. Define what is the Difference Between Posts vs. Pages

Posts vs. Pages

  1. Posts are timely vs. Pages are timeless.
  2. Posts are social vs. Pages are NOT.
  3. Posts can be categorized vs. Pages are hierarchical.
  4. Posts are included in RSS feed vs. Pages are not.
  5. Pages have custom template feature vs. Posts do not.

42. how to store the post title in the variable?
$page_title = get_the_title($post->post_parent);

43. How to Generates a random password of the specified length in WordPress?
44. How can we backup or import our WordPress content from admin panel?
For import content from WordPress admin panel goes to
WordPress admin -> Tools -> Import

45. Can WordPress use cookies?
Yes, WordPress uses cookies.WordPress uses cookies, or tiny pieces of information stored on your computer, to verify who you are. There are cookies for logged in users.

46. How to disable WordPress comment?
Look in to dashboard under Options –> Discussion. There is a checkbox there for “allow people to post comments on the article” Try unchecking that.

47. how to insert the values in wordpress database.?
insert query to use store the values in wordpress database.
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->insert($table_name,array(‘author_id’ =>$author_id,’author_name’ =>$author_name,’author_email’=>$author_email,’created_at’=>current_time
(‘mysql’, 1)),array(‘%d’,’%s’,’%s’,’%s’));

48. If we are hacked in wordpress but steps have to do for prevent it?
The various steps have to do when you hacked:-

  1. Change passwords for all users, especially Administrators and Editors.
  2. Re-install the latest version of WordPress.
  3. Make sure all of your plugins and themes are up-to-date.
  4. Install security plugins like wp security for safe from hacking.

49. Define what is the special meaning of _sleep and _wakeup?
_sleeps return the array of all variables that need to be saved, while _wakeup retrieves them.

50. Why WordPress is better than blogger for blogging?

  1. Customization and Flexibility
  2. Hosting Opportunities
  3. To customize the tiny image that people see in their address bar when they visit your blog, upload an avatar.
  4. The more tag allows you to display excerpts of your posts on your main posts page, instead of revealing the entire post.
  5. To expand the text editor and hide the modules on the publishing screen, enable Distraction Free Writing.
  6. Reproduce fully-functioning tweets — not just static screenshots of tweets — in posts, pages, and even comments with Twitter Embeds.
  7. You can customize your post and page slugs, which can be handy when you want to create a URL that’s easier to remember (it’s also a good way to make posts search-friendly). Note that if you change a post slug, the old link will still work.
  8. Reproduce fully-functioning tweets — not just static screenshots of tweets — in posts, pages, and even comments with Twitter Embeds.